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Open Source Response Time Tool

The open source way to test monitor response times, trusted by creators around the world already!

How it works

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The Science of Response Times...

To learn more about the various response time methodologies OSRTT employs, you'll want to check out my research paper explaining everything! It covers the existing VESA standard (10-90% of the light level), gamma correction, and fixed versus percentage tolerances. It also touches on overshoot, and the difference between initial and perceived response times. Give it a read!

ABOUT TechteamGB

I'm a tech reviewer by trade, specialising in everything from monitors and laptops, to CPUs and graphics cards. I've been on YouTube since 2012 and have a habit of making tools for myself and the community!

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© 2022 TechteamGB

The OSRTT Project

OSRTT as a project is community driven and open source. It's not a professional product. I'm not a company, nor are there developer, manufacturing and support teams available. It's just me, so bare with. Thanks!

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